Liven up your lab and learn to say hello with our fun poster!

Liven up your lab and learn to say hello with our fun poster!
Posted in: Fun Science!
7 years ago

Liven up your lab and learn to say hello with our fun poster!

Ever find yourself pipetting endless samples, or sat at your lab bench waiting for a baseline to stabilise, or just sitting...waiting...? Life in the lab can be a little boring sometimes...but that's where the Hello Bio poster "21 Ways to Say Hello" comes in!

With this poster - you can learn to say hello in 21 different languages. Why not challenge yourself to learn all 21, and then compete with your lab colleagues?

Download the poster here

We only have 21 languages on our poster - so maybe your language isn't included? If that's the case, tell us how to say 'hello' in your own language and we can start preparing our next poster! Share in the comments below, on our Facebook Page, or tweet us @hello_bio

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